The Plan

Here is the plan as I know it so far:

Saturday, March 27th – Leave for Austin and party with my kickass friends from the Kinky Friedman Campaign (who are, without knowing them from the campaign, individually kickass). May go dancing later?

Sunday, March 28th – Breakfast tacos in the morning and then later on attend Junkfest! Rally to save the Cathedral of Junk from demolition, then, hopefully, the best Rockband night evar.

Tuesday, March 30th – Alexis’ Goodbye Texas, Hello Botswana Pint Night! at the Dog & Duck Pub

Wednesday, March 31st – Back to Dallas (goodbye, Austin! I will miss you so much)

pret-ty sure my sleeping bag should be here by now as well as my day pack. continue packing…

Thursday, April 1st – Going away party with the Hospice I volunteer at and then a drum lesson and then a Mavericks game with Dad!!

April 4th-8th – Dentist, haircut, packing, relaxing with family… maybe Salsa dancing.

Saturday, April 10th – fly out uber early to Philly, probably with no sleep from the night before

Sunday, April 11th – fly out at a reasonable time but after not sleeping for a day and a half to Johnannesburg, South Africa

“You will have 8 hours between the time you land in Johannesburg and when you have to depart.  You will walk some long hallways and pass through an easy immigration step (while not even leaving the airport) while there, which will end up giving you six hours to hang around the airport.  You may have to also get a boarding pass at the international transfer terminal so please pay attention to this factor.  It will be a bank of counters just after you pass through a South African immigration checkpoint (again, not leaving the airport).  Once you get your boarding pass for the flight to Gaborone, you will pass again through metal detectors before getting to the terminals.”

After which we arrive in Gaborone, Botswana, which is the capital of Botswana.

“From there, everyone will be bused to the hotel called The Big Five Lodge in Mogoditshane on the outskirts of Gaborone.  Trainees will spend four nights in Gaborone getting briefed and preparing themselves for the transition to community based, host family living. “

Ok, I think that’s a good schedule for now. More later on what this whole thing is about.

stay tuned!

Packing and Preparing … and some Procrastinating

Taking trips to Baltimore and DC, Colorado and Austin – I’ve been doing a little procrastinating. Sweet, rebellious procrastinating.

There is so much to do now that if I had a job now I’d have to quit just to get it all done in time.

Sparing the minutia, the large things I still have to do involve getting personal property insurance, procuring a large hiking bag pack (any suggestions?), transferring all my data to my new tiny netbook, setting up communications with my family and friends (handwritten address book in 2010, what?!), and wrapping up my banking and cats and medical prescriptions.

Oh, and the PC office said that if I don’t get my H1N1 shot and bring proof to staging then I’m not going – so that’s high on the priority list.

I’ll soon post a packing list along with thrilling photos of all my things.  The goal is not to pack to camp, but to pack to live. I intend to slightly underpack and purchase as much as I can there.

Ha! Let’s see how that one goes!